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Archaeology of Self

Archaeology of Self begins with the contents of two vessels: a filing cabinet – the home study/office variety, the one that starts out as an ordered system but ends up as that two-to-four drawer metal thing taking up space with all the important sh*t shoved in it; and a box – stuffed full of letters, concert tickets, and the odd photograph, the one that’s never unpacked, just sifted through and resealed every time you move house to be put wherever it is that you shove sh*t at your new address.

The resulting objects and series of photographs, all of which incorporate concrete in some manner, invoke ideas of memory, identity, and the passage of time, echoing the absence of body – a posthumous self – remembered through the rubble of what once was.

– echoing the absence of body,  a posthumous self, remembered through the rubble of what once was.

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